It's our MArch'd4 Madness Sale! All Arch'd4 sets and Arch'd4 singles: Buy 3 Get 1 Free. And all orders $99+ an extra 25% off. Total savings up to 44%!

This set of dice contains 12 18mm d6 w/ pips and symbols on the highest faces.

Large high-visibility game dice: Diffusion Tricksy Pixie -- A picturesque pair of Diffused periwinkle and purple pigment w/ a twinkling pink glitter (and white numbers)! Potentially produced by a pack of petulant pranking Pixies? Perhaps!

\R4I d6 pip dice are about 42% larger in size than traditional 16mm dice for higher visibility and better rollability! This Set of 12d6 features color-themed symbols on the 6-faces.
