Diffusion Barbarian Rage Sets
Bringing high-quality products to the TTRPG community!
Large high-visibility game dice: Diffusion Barbarian Rage - diffused bone, red and brown w/ white numbers
Each set of R4I dice averages over 30% larger in size than traditional dice for higher visibility and better rollability!
Available in singles, sets of 7 (Arch'd4, d6, d8, d10, d%, d12, and Balance'd20), and sets of 15 (3 Arch'd4, 4d6, 2d8, 2d10, d%, d12, and 2 Balance'd20) with all numbers or symbols on specific dice. This color's symbol sets include the symbol only on the d12 and d20.
The d2 comes with R4I Griffin head & class symbols; while class symbols are available on the d12, d20, XLd20, and d6 pipped.